Supporting the Hitmen of Stuyvesant High School in NYC

Go Hitmen!

2nd Annual Stuy Baseball Alum/Parent Get Together

May 10 2007



       (BACK) Coach Charles Sharkey, Eric Bellucci ('98), Stuy Athl. Dir. Martha Singer, Art Horowitz ('53), Tim Nikol ('99). (FRONT) Coach Matt Hahn, Lou Digilio ('76), Joe Levine ('54), Milo Misut ('49).


       Coach Sharkey, Lou Digilio '76             Tim Nikol '99, Tom Fogarty '99,               Milo Misut '49, Coach Matt Hahn

                                                                   Andrew Newman '99



"Still a Champ" Awards

Friends of Stuyvesant Baseball honored Art Horowitz ('53) and Joe Levine ('54) for their lifelong devotion to baseball. Art and Joe were player on Stuy's 1953 Manhattan Championship team. Both have spend their lives playing, coaching, and umpiring baseball.


Coach John Carlesi, Art Horowitz, Joe Levine at Pier 40

Joe Levine & Art Horowitz with "Still a Champ" Awards

FSB Pres. Andrew Bartle, FSB Secy. Lou Giansante,

Joe Levine, Art Horowitz




Lappin is a member of the New York City Council who helped secure a city grant toward purchase of a mound for Pier 40. Coach Matt Hahn awards her a Stuy team hat and a commendation from the Friends of Stuyvesant Baseball.